Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s Social Determinants of Health model
PICSA model
Measuring cities’ inclusive prosperity is an important aid to identifying the policies and practices that work, so that other cities can learn from success stories. The PICSA Index therefore aims to meet this need for a comparative analysis of inclusive prosperity in cities across the globe. Inclusive prosperity is a multi-dimensional concept involving spatial factors, social goods, and established measures of economic health. The PICSA Index framework reflects these different elements as follows:
PROSPERITY: GDP per capita and empirical quality of life measures
SOCIAL INCLUSION: Personal safety, access to education, and access to ICT (Internet)
SPATIAL INCLUSION: Affordability of housing, environmental quality, and access to healthcare Learn more about PICSA
Every Child . . . A Community Commitment (Concept List)
Every Child.....
Will have an opportunity for free and quality education
Will get to experience a physical sport....depending on interest and ability
Will get to experience visual and performing art, at least annually
Will get to visit a museum
Will get an interactive experience with animals
Will get an interactive science experience at least annually
Will get to spend interactive time with people from at least 3 cultures different
from their own
Will get to spend interactive time with people from at least 3 religions different
from their own
Will get an interactive personal experience with law enforcement
Will get an interactive personal experience with firefighting
Will get an opportunity to travel outside the City
Will get an opportunity to travel outside the Country